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I help combat athletes and enthusiasts rehab injuries and reach their full potential on the mats with personalised coaching.


Client onboarding and movement assessment/screen to establish a baseline.
Tailored training program designed to align with your goals, needs, and lifestyle constraints.
Access to an online training app with detailed video demonstrations.
Comprehensive blood work analysis to optimize your performance and recovery.
Daily feedback and communication via WhatsApp, including voice feedback and video analysis of exercises every 48 hours to ensure proper execution.
Weekly check-ins and performance testing to track progress.
Weekly adjustments to your training plan to account for the biological healing process during rehab.
$99 USD per week (minimum 12-week commitment).



Motivated individuals and athletes ready for a complete overhaul of their approach to rehab, ensuring they recover fully and return to peak performance stronger than ever
Combat athletes and enthusiasts committed to gaining a competitive edge through tailored physical preparation that enhances resilience, power, and overall performance


The Uncommitted: Those unwilling to put in the time, effort, and discipline required to fully engage in their rehab or physical preparation.
Comfort-Zone Dwellers: Individuals who resist being challenged and prefer to avoid the discomfort that comes with growth and progress.
Quick-Fix Seekers: Individuals looking for shortcuts or expecting instant results without investing in the process.
Sign up


Submit our fitness questionnaire to get the ball rolling. 

What you’ll get:

  • Ut enim ad minim veniam
  • Excepteur sint
  • Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis


Nic Turner

Nic Turner


“My strength and overall athleticism have never been better. I’m injury-free and rolling consistently without pain. CSP has been an excellent complement to my time on the mats, helping me stay at peak performance while minimizing the risk of injury.”

April 23, 2020
Izaak Michell

Izaak Michell


“Steve’s not only a good mate, he’s helped me rehab my knees to the point where I can compete again at the highest level.”

April 23, 2020



“At the grappling industries everyone I fought was so shocked how strong and explosive I was. I definitely leveled up from the program. Man handled everyone even took down Harry Cassar who is a Commonwealth Games bronze medalist in Judo.”

July 3, 2023
William Tackett

William Tackett


“I initially worked with Steve 1-on-1 online to rehab a Grade 2 MCL tear in my left knee sustained during ADCC. The results were outstanding, and I fully recovered while improving my overall resilience. Now, as part of the CSP program, I’ve noticed dramatic improvements in my strength, power during takedowns, and overall movement efficiency. For combat athletes looking to enhance performance, recover from injuries, or build longevity in the sport, I highly recommend CSP.”

July 3, 2023
James Buchannan

James Buchannan


I trained with Steve for a number of years, and listening to him talk grappling S&C it is evident his knowledge of anatomy and the demands grappling puts on the body is second to none. The hours of research, Steve’s coaching with high level grapplers like Izaak Michell and Charles Negromonte, and his own injury setbacks shows in how the CSP is designed for all grapplers from hobbyists to aspiring world champions. I’ve done many sport-based S&C programs over the years, which all consist of traditional squat, bench press and deadlift etc, CSP is different as it introduces new exercises and movement patters to keep your S&C sessions engaging and help you feel strong on the mats, especially for older or stiffer grapplers.

July 3, 2023